Opening Ceremony
“Tomorrow an electric world”
30 January 2025
with Alain Aspect, Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022
Timetable for the ceremony
All presentations will be in French
- 15h00 Welcome and introduction
- Welcome and introduce Alain Aspect
Emmanuel Trizac, President of ENS Lyon - A Word to Sponsors
Emmanuel Lambert, Cabinet Director, EDF Regional Division
Elisabeth Jacobino or Daniel Rouan, President of SFP
Laurent Barbieri, CNRS Regional Delegate - Presentation of the 250th anniversary celebrations of Ampère and thanks to all the sponsors
Alfonso San Miguel, President of Société des Amis d’André-Marie Ampère
- Welcome and introduce Alain Aspect
- 15h30 “Ampère, un savant universel“1
- Lecture by Alain Aspect, Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022
- Discussion – Questions
- 17h00 L’héritage d’Ampère – Round table discussion with :
- Christine Blondel, Former Research Director at the CNRS, Ampère specialist
- Pierre Crépel, Académie des Sciences, Belles Lettres et Arts de Lyon
- Jean Dalibard, Collège de France
- Patrick Flandrin, Académie des Sciences
- François Gerin, President of Société de l’électricité, de l’électronique et des technologies de l’information et de la communication
- 18h30 Ampère birthday cake and Book signing by par Alain Aspect
As the number of places is limited, you must register (free of charge) with this link
Amphithéâtre Charles Mérieux – ENS Lyon
École normale supérieure de Lyon
Pl. de l’École, 69007 Lyon
see also